Saturday, November 11, 2017

An Appeal From a Responsible Human Being

"I think the environment should be put in the category of our national security. Defense of our resources is just as important as our defense abroad. Otherwise what is there to defend."
Read it somewhere and I so agree to it.

It's time we wake up, realize and  understand where are we heading. Our wrong habits have done some alarming damages to the environment and if we do not change it today we will leave a bad bad world behind for our coming generations.

I understand some tough decisions are required to be taken by authorities, so leaving the larger things to them and hoping they will do their best to safeguard environment. But let us not just wait and watch. Let us do our little bit and at least start making a difference. I am putting down some small changes that we can make in our life for the better. Feel free to add on to the list.

Say Complete No to Plastic

Check the video below... Do I need to say more? 

Slight changes in our lifestyle can reduce the amount of garbage we are filling our earth with.
  • Stop using bottled water. This is especially when we are travelling. In most hotels there is an RO or a filter, let's refill a big bottle with filtered water rather than buying a small plastic bottle every time we are thirsty.
  • Don't use plastic bags. Our parents had a very nice way of carrying a cloth bag with them along with the list of things to be purchased. Lets us start doing that again. 
  • Minimize the consumption of packed food. We can't stop having plastic packed junk food all of sudden, but let us not buy many small packets for every member but a huge one and share from that. This way atleast we can lessen our contribution to this huge mass of plastic that is accumulating.
  • Try alternate environment friendly options. Dear ladies, do we realize have much plastic we dispose every month? Let's try some environmental friendly methods. Have you tried menstrual cups? Learn more about it and be inspired.
  • Please do not use plastic disposable utensils. Its easy and convenient to use them but anything that can'e be recycled is hazardous. 
Save Fuel Save Air

Smog in Delhi
  • We all love to have an independent vehicle to commute but why is travelling with others so difficult for us (including me). It was some time back but not anymore. Now the time I spend in metro is one of my favorite time of the day. I get to see so many people, know the latest fashion trends, make friends, and get some business also. Have closed a few deals chatting to people around while traveling in metro.  Using public transport is not that bad after all.
  •  Not a public vehicle person, how about sharing your vehicle with others and reduce your car cost? 
  • Be careful of what you throw in your garbage bin as it will add on to the heap outside your community and might get burnt one day adding to toxic fumes you are breathing.

Plant More

This we have read and heard so many times. What have we done?  How many trees each one of us has planted? And come to think of it.. how many trees might have been cut to fulfill my everyday needs? Do I see a balance there? Definitely no. 

Read stories of individuals who have made some difference by planting trees to get some inspiration.

Today seeing the smog, the bad air that we and our kids are breathing we feel angry and alarmed. But soon after things get a little better, we forget and get into same behavior. We again start choosing comfort and convenience over environment. 

Here's an appeal from a responsible human being... Please make your choices well. Leave the habits that spoil the air that your coming generations will breathe in.
Would love to hear from you all what changes have you made in your life  to leave a cleaner earth and breathable air to your kids?

P.S. - The post is different from what I usually write but the severity of the issue compelled me to write this. Hope we all will be able to make a difference.

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